Here you will find a number of items at greatly discounted prices. Most are new products that have low turnover or have been replaced by other newer versions.
Also new will be on sale items but have the open packaging or manufacturer's seal is lost. In all cases shall be specified in the description. All our products have a warranty.
Basic automation 1212C DC/DC/DC + MTP 400Product no.: OFES2:12002401Basic Automation by Siemens: Optimize performance for simple applications with cloud connectivity, secure email, and OPC UA communication. can be shipped within 1 days |
STARTERKIT LOGO! 8 12/24 RCEProduct no.: 6ED1057-3BA01-0AA8LOGO! Starter Kit 12/24 RCE with LOGO! 12/24RCE, LOGO! Soft Comfort V 8.2. WinCC Basic, power supply, screwdriver in Systainer. |
LOGO 8 230RCE 8.3Product no.: 6ED1052-1FB08-0BA1LOGO! 230RCE,logic module, display 115V/230V/relay, 8 DI/4 DQ, modular expandable, Ethernet, integrated web server, data log, user-defined web pages, standard microSD card for LOGO! Soft Comfort V8.3 or higher |
SIMATIC HMI, KTP1200 Basic PROFINETProduct no.: 6AV2123-2MB03-0AX0 1,799.69 € *can be shipped within 1 days |
SIMATIC NET Sofnet-PB DP V8.1Product no.: 6GK1704-5DW08-1AA0SOFTNET-PB DP V8.1; Software for PROFIBUS DP incl. FDL, with OPC Server and NCM PC. Runtime software Current daily price
can be shipped within 1 days |
New Solid-state contactor 3-phase 3RF3 AC 53 / 12.5 AProduct no.: 3RF3412-1BB04Solid-state contactor 3-phase 3RF3 AC 53 / 12.5 A / 40 °C 48-480 V / 24 V DC 2-phase controlled Instantaneous switching screw terminal can be shipped within 1 days |
SIMATIC S7-300, Connection IM 365Product no.: 6ES7365-0BA01-0AA0SIMATIC S7-300, Connection IM 365 for connection of an extension rack without C bus, 2 modules+ connecting cable 1 m can be shipped within 1 days |
SIMATIC HMI TP700 ComfortProduct no.: 6AV21240GC010AX0SIMATIC HMI TP700 Comfort, Comfort Panel, PROFINET interface, MPI/PROFIBUS DP interface, configurable from WinCC Comfort V11 can be shipped within 1 days |